About Me

Professional Details

Program manager with a passion for building software products that customers love. I’m responsible for key parts of Vanguard’s digital finance transformation including robotic process automation, Financial Planning & Analysis systems and a cloud-based asset & cash flow analysis system. I lead an engineering organization of three teams. On a day to day basis, I focus on building strong and diverse teams, delving into customer needs and strengthening software delivery practices. My proudest accomplish in this role is successfully applying Lead Product Development to an internal app.

Inspired by Vanguard’s compelling mission and purpose to help all investors, I’ve been a “crew member” since 2005. For most of my career I have worked in software development, project management and development management. I’ve had the chance to build many types of apps, from real-time brokerage trading systems to web UIs with AngularJS and APIs. There has also been more perl than I should admit.

Careers are never a straight line; I’ve worked in two business operations roles as part of our retail investor group. It was a win / win – I brought valuable technical project management leading practices to a multi-year business transformation for Vanguard’s high net worth investors. I received hands on experience in the fields of organizational change management and customer loyalty.

I am committed to lifelong learning. Building on my undergraduate education in Information Technology, I earned a Master of Software Engineering. Together these degrees give me a deep computer science knowledge base. In 2018, I earned a Master of Business Administration from Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School of Business. Beyond formal education experiences, I enjoy experimenting with IoT, distributed systems, machine learning, 3D printing and other exciting new technologies.

If any of this was of interest or you’d like mentoring on any topic mentioned feel free to message me. I’m always looking to pay it forward.

Software Engineering Management

Creating great software products is 90% people and 10% tech. I focus on building teams where engineers thrive.

Program Management

Achieving results across a portfolio of projects using agile and traditional methodologies.

Product Development

Application of lean product development methods to achieve product market fit. Knowledgable in marketing practices.

Software Development

Use of modern practices like automated testing and CI/CD to increase quality. Experience with a range of languages including C, C++, Java, javascript, perl, SQL and python.

Problem Solving

Analytical + creativity.

Story Telling

Understanding your audience is vital to successfully sharing your thoughts and ideas.